Corporate Campus


313 m² - 464 m²


R 231,00 /m² - R 234,00 /m²

Success requires hard work, perseverance, and a prime office location. Waterfall Corporate Campus is a secure 35 000m2 office park, located on a highly visible site on the corner of Waterfall Drive and Letaba Drive. Its success as one of the preferred corporate destinations in Gauteng has much to do with the flexibility it offers clients to customise spaces or subdivide a multi-tenanted building according to each tenant’s needs. The development comprises seven buildings of ±5 500m2 and enjoys the added benefit of a central restaurant and two wifi-enabled 50-seater conference facilities for use by campus clients. ContinuitySA, Accenture, Isuzu Motors South Africa, Astute Financial Services Exchange, Decision Inc. and SASSETA are clients who have already realised the value of this prime commercial location. Move to the corporate destination that positions your business for success.

Category Office
Address Waterfall Drive, Lethabo Close, Waterfall City
Price from (gross) R 73 242,00 /month
Price (gross) R 231,00 /m² - R 234,00 /m²
GLA 313 m² - 464 m²
Units 4
Units available in this property
Unit IDCategoryGLAGross priceNet priceSub divisible
No unit IDOther324 m²R 231,00 /m²R 160,00 /m²No
Bld 4, Pnt ground FlOffice313 m²R 234,00 /m²R 162,00 /m²No
Bld 2, 2nd FlOffice464 m²R 234,00 /m²R 162,00 /m²No
Bld 7, Ptn 1st FloorOffice442 m²R 234,00 /m²R 162,00 /m²No
Justin Smith
Justin Smith

Leasing manager

082 362 0800

Lunga Sikutshwa
Lunga Sikutshwa

Broker liaison

083 200 2576